This course aims to provide learners who wish to learn about Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) using ISO GHG Management Standards: ISO 14064.1-3, ISO 14065, ISO 14066.
It will additionally offer pointers to legislation on climate change and GHG management and the GHG Protocol.


Those undertaking attending this course will, on its completion, meet learning outcomes that mean they:
• Understand Greenhouse Gases – general issues and international protocols, including role of UNFCCC, IPCC, the Kyoto Protocol and the importance of adaptation in the context of climate change with contextual material on GHG and climate-related legislation
• Understand key concepts used within ISO 14064.1-3, ISO 14065, ISO 14066;
• Relationship with GHG Protocol – Scope 1, 2, 3 emissions v/v direct/ indirect/ other indirect emissions;
• Appreciate the differences between Measuring, Reporting and Verification;
• Understand the role of removal projects;
• Are able to identify sources, sinks and reservoirs; baseline scenarios;
• Know about Measuring and monitoring of emissions and removals along with details around quantifying emission reductions, removal enhancements; data quality (fugitive emissions -look up); monitoring and documenting the project;
• Can explain Verification and validation of a removal project cf 14064-2 and project reporting from general requirements; GHG assertions to verifiers and validators and the verification process; cf ISO 17029 and specific use of verification and validation because the words sometimes translate as the same;
• Appreciate the different levels of assurance, objectives and criteria; information system, data quality and controls; assessment criteria, evaluation, GHG statement
• Understand principles for accreditation of Verification and validation bodies; conduct of the accredited body; general requirements for competence, record-keeping and integrity;
• Point to competency requirements for GHG verifiers and validators


Anyone with an interest in entity-level GHG measurement, reporting and verification and best practice in GHG emissions management. In particular, anyone involved with environmental management systems, energy and environmental auditors, as well as users of verification services such as:
• GHG Inventory Managers
• Environmental Managers/Supervisors/Specialists/Engineers/ Advisors
• Sustainability Managers
• Production


SGD 4,695 per delegate (Classroom Training)

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